Saturday, June 16, 2012

Assessment Plan

urpose of Assessment Plan

The purpose of assessments is to measure the learning of each student. Assessments will also
evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Results of the assessments will allow me to make adjustments in my day-to-day instruction to maximize learning (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2010).
My assessment plan will include a combination of formative and summative assessments. I will use traditional tests that consist of multiple choice questions, true and false questions, matching questions,  and some essay style questions.
I will conduct probes that are less traditional to monitor the students progress. I will have the students create portfolio projects during the school year to showcase their work and develop the portfolio according to their individual abilities. All of my assessment methods will be in alignment with the learning objectives.

Language Arts 7th Grade

Learning Outcome

Identify common prefixes and suffixes to determine meanings of words.

After the students have achieved the learning outcome and passed the necessary assessment, they will be able to construct words that have suffixes and prefixes and determine the meaning of the words. Finally, they will be able to use these words they have constructed in sentences.

I will use the following holistic rubric to score the assessment. This rubric would be used in addition to the normal test score that is given.


Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G., (2010) Educational testing & measurement, classroom application

     and practice. Ninth Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, New Jersey

The Testing Constraints

  1. The test will be taken in one class period. 48 minutes.
  2. There will be no notes used for this assessment.
  3. They can ask questions if they are unsure of direction.

Holistic Grading Rubric

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